
If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.
— Henry Ford

High Street Chambers is always on the lookout for talents. We welcome applications, whether you are a lawyer, intern/trainee, or business support professional to join our growing team.

We believe in equal opportunity and welcome diversity in creating a conducive environment for professionals who are independent, motivated and responsible.

Our core features at chambers are:

Personal & Professional Development

Mental Wellbeing

Equality & Diversity

All applications to us are treated with the strictest confidence.

We aim to recruit talents who are invested in our business and keen to contribute as a stakeholder of the chambers. 

We ensure that you are well rewarded as you embark with us on our journey to excellence.

Application Procedures

Drop us an email with the following documents: -

a. Cover letter

b. detailed CV

c. Latest academic transcripts

Remuneration commensurate with experience, and we regret to inform that only shortlisted applicants will hear from us. We typically take up to 6 weeks for consideration.

Please email your applications, with the relevant supporting documents to: